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Local testimonials for ophthalmic ointment, early 1830s

I am indebted to Sally Douglas for locating the site with these references: Google 'ophthalmic ointment "john brooks" isleworth' to see others. Short research notes have been added in a couple of cases.

John Brooks, aged twenty-four years, of Worton Lane, Isleworth, working for Mr. Richings, Market Gardener.

Subject to inflammation of the Eyelids for twenty- one years past, for which, he states he has attended Mr. Julian of Richmond, and Mr. Day of Isleworth, many years ; by the use of Mr. Marshall's Ophthal- mic Ointment has received great benefit, and is now nearly well.


Mary Anne Gregory, aged sixteen years, daughter of Mr. Gregory, Baker, New Brentford.

Subject to severe and obstinate inflammation of the Eyelids, for twelve or thirteen years past, for which Various remedies have been applied without any bene- ficial effects ; and has also been under the care of Mr. Tyrrell, and Mr. Scott, at the Eye Infirmary, Moor Fields ; has been completely cured by the use of Mr. Marshall's Ophthalmic Ointment.
I certify the above to be a true statement,

A John Gregory, baker, New Brentford, was recorded in the 1826 trade directory. Mary Anne Gregory, daughter of John & Hannah Gregory, baker of New Brentford, was baptised at St Lawrence's church on August 13 1815 (


I HEREBY certify that my daughter Jane, aged about ten years, has for several years been afflicted with sore Eyes, and that I have applied to various persons with- out any material benefit resulting. That a few months since I applied through a friend to Mr. Marshall, and obtained a Box of his Ointment, which has completely cured her.
New Brentford.

James Bowerman was a solicitor's clerk in 1831.


Jane Jenkins, aged sixteen years, residing with Mr. Richard Limpus, Linkfield Lane, Isleworth

Suffering from inflammation in the Eyes and Eye- lids for twelve months, from which she was nearly blind ; has been gratuitously attended, and cured by the use only of Mr. Marshall's Ophthalmic Ointment, in the space of a week. The above Jane Jenkins was my servant, and was cured as above stated, by Mr. Marshall. Isleworth.



Published April 2015