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Brentford Councillors - Henry Newman Croxford


Janet McNamara has researched details of the men who served as Brentford Local Board Members and Councillors, see intro page for more details of early local government structure.

Henry Newman Croxford

Henry Newman was a member of the first Brentford Local Board and his name is on the dedication stone at the Pumping Station in Town Meadow (1883).

He was born in Hammersmith in 1817, one of four brothers who all eventually moved to Brentford.

His obituary tells that his first aim had been the improvement of the town and that he had taken great interest in the recent scheme of drainage, the public free library question, tramways and the proposed improvements in the High Street.

In his younger days ‘he was some what of an advanced Liberal’ but by 1885 was the Chairman of the local Conservative Association and living at Elthorne, The Butts where he died on May 3rd ‘after a long and painful illness’.

He was buried in South Ealing cemetery.
His will was proved by Elizabeth, widow, relict and sole executrix.
Personal estate £2,779.10s.4d.

Other material

Janet has also provided newspaper cuttings: an obituary and account his funeral in May 1885. To be added as time permits.


Page published January 2012