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External website links from Sally Douglas

Sally Douglas, from Australia, provided the following links to external websites: all include references to Brentford or nearby, or its people.

National Library of Australia Trove collection of newspapers; if links below do not work use the browse facilities to select the newspaper title, year, month and day from a calendar, page no. and finally article title; or try the search facility - there are many hits for Brentford, many more than are included below.

The History of Brentford


Google Arts and Culture

Royal Collection



Australian War Memorial

Artist's Footsteps

National Gallery of Victoria

The National Archives, Kew

London Borough of Hounslow

Google Books includes The place names of Middlesex by John Eric Bruce Gover, Published 1922. Suggest you choose link 'see other formats' and 'search inside' for Breguntford, the oldest form found, 705.

London Metropolitan Archives

Modern images

Historic images

Family Research

Page published October 2016; updated November 2016