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Comparison of Tithe, 1865 and 1894 OS Maps showing St George's Church and environs

Section from 1839 Tithe Map showing St George's church and environsSection from 1865 OS Map showing St George's church and environsSection from 1894 OS Map showing St George's church and environs
1839 Tithe Map1865 OS Map1894 OS Map


The 1839 Tithe map shows a school on the corner of North Road, followed by stabling and a yard owned by Sir Felix Booth, then a series of small houses running up to Chapel Alley, followed by Mrs Trimmer's Sunday School (property ref 213).

Building plots are set out on the eastern side of New North Road. Behind St George's Chapel is open ground, and the Marquis of Granby is marked next door to the church.


The land behind the church in the 1865 OS map appears to be gardens with a fountain and a new building has been erected on the western side - this may be Brentford Lodge. The school is now marked a little way up New North Road and is recorded as an infants school. The yard and stabling have been demolished to make way for an entry into a few properties set back a little from the High Street and the Gas Office has replaced two or three of the small houses near Chapel Alley. The gasometers which were on the south side of the High Street have been replaced by three gasometers on the northern side.


By 1894 St George's church has been rebuilt on a different axis and a new gasometer sits behind the church. Some of the properties between Mrs Trimmer's Sunday School and North Road have been altered again.


More about the properties and people who lived here.

Brentford Gas Works by David Shailes.